Wednesday, January 19, 2011

The countdown begins.

113 days. In 113 days we will be leaving for San Francisco. Sounds like a long way away, especially for a little trip like this. Right now though, it's getting me through the winter blues. So I have started the planning. Okay, I am well past STARTING the planning. I have a budget, a packing list, a short list of hotels. I have looked at all the transportation options,figured out some of the things we want to do while we are there and now I have to wait. We are funding this trip from our tax return and I can't hurry that.

So, I am starting a craft project.

Sewing lightweight travel quilts. They are perfectly plane or train sized and warm enough for comfort and coverage, and fold neatly into themselves to become pillows.

I'm going to post pictures as I go and aim to have one made for each of us before we leave.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

In the beginning...

It's time. Time to document our journeys. Time to get off the couch, turn off the tv, and get out and explore. Wow that sounds so... Full of crap. Seriously. We have been travelling together now for 7 years, and it isn't any different now, than it was then. The only difference is I have decided to keep a log of it, and share it with anyone else who might care.

So I suppose I should start with who are we?

We are a family of 5 crazy Canadians, Mom, Dad, teenage daughter, and two preteen sons. We sometimes travel together, sometimes not, and in all configurations in between. I ( Mom- Alli) will introduce each of the crazy characters in our family later on.

Where do we go?

Wherever we can afford, as often as we can. Actually, we normally travel up and down the Western part of N America. We live just north of the Canadian border, just outside Vancouver BC. We look forward to exploring farther as time goes on.

What do we do?

We take a lot of Photographs ( well Dad-R does, and we all stand around looking bored while he does), we go to local touristy places, non touristy places, and local hidden gems, and some pretty crappy dives too. We eat out, eat in, and eat in the car. We spend money, spend no money and in general have a good time. We tend to visit a lot of zoos, and anything else with animals and wildlife.

When and how?

We homeschool so we can travel any time of year, but we prefer the Spring and Fall, anytime the rest of the general population is busy with school and work. We drive for many of our trips, but we have also taken ferries, buses, planes, trains, public transit, and cruise boats. During some trips, we have done all of the above.

So what now?

Well we are currently in the process of planning a trip to San Francisco. This trip is a parents only getaway, and we are aiming for May 2011. My plan is to document the planning of this trip, from packing lists to budget to things we want to see. We are also planning another trip to Yellowstone in 2012 ( I know, the world will end, and Yellowstone will erupt.) and a month long trip driving the Baja in 2019.